How to install MeloSpySuite (Mac OSX)

Simply follow these steps

  1. After you downloaded the latest version of the MeloSpySuite (MeloSpySuite_V_[X.X].zip (here), open the Finder application under Mac OSX (You can start the Finder application for instance by pressing cmd + space on your keyboard to open Spotlight and then simply type ‘’Finder’’).

  2. Browse to your Download folder (this is usually /Users/[YourName]/Downloads).

  3. Unzip the file MeloSpySuite_V_[X.X].zip by double-clicking on it. This will create a folder in your Downloads folder.

  4. Feel free to move the MeloSpySuite folder to any other place on your hard drive.

Folder structure

After unzipping, the following folder structure should be found in your installation directory:

  • The analysis folder is empty and just a suggestion, but is actually used by the demo batches in the demo subfolder.

  • The bin subfolder contains the executables of melpat, melfeature, and melconv, i.e., the actual tools included in the MeloSpySuite.

  • The config folder contains several subfolders for each of the MeloSpySuite tools. Each subfolder contains sample configuration files, which are used by the demos and which can also serve as a starting point for own analyses. Moreover, the config folder contains the sub-directory feature_definitions with 69 Feature Definition Files that are to be used with melfeature.

  • The data subfolder contains only two single files: wjazzd.db and esac.db which contains the Weimar Jazz Database and a version of the well-known Essen Folk Song Collection. Both files are SQLITE3 databases.

  • The demo folder contains four demo batches, cf. Demo scripts below.

  • The docs folder contains this documentation for the MeloSpySuite and MeloSpyLib as an offline usable HTML version. Just open the file index.html from the html folder in your browser.

  • The scripts/matlab folder contains a wrapper script for Matlab to read CSV files that are created by melfeature (and usually can contain various data types of features).

Demo scripts

The demo scripts were included to give a first impression about the possibilites of the MeloSpySuite. In order to run the demo scripts, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Terminal application (again, you can use Spotlight to find it by pressing cmd + space on your keyboard and typing “Terminal”)

  2. Navigate to the folder location of MeloSpySuite_V_[X.X] (most likely here: /Users/[YourName]/Downloads/MeloSpySuite_V_[X.X]). You only need the commands pwd (to find out your current location), cd .. (to move to the parent directory) and cd [subdirectory] to move to the desired subdirectory.

  3. Once you navigated to the demo subfolder in the MeloSpySuite folder, you can run ./, ./, ./, and ./ to perform some first tasks with the three applications.

  4. If you want also a nifty explanation of this demos, have a look at the melfeature tutorial for the first two demos, tutorial for the other demos will follow soon, in the mean time you migth refer to the corresponding documentation of melconv and melpat.


If you want to be able to call the applications melfeature, melpat, and melconv from arbitrary locations, you need to add the folder /Users/[YourName]/Downloads/melospy/MeloSpySuite_V_[X.X]/bin to the PATH (adapt the folder name to your installation if necessary).

When you are in the terminal, call open -e /Users/[YourName]/.profile to open the .profile file in the text editor and add the line export PATH="/Users/[YourName]/Downloads/melospy/MeloSpySuite_V_[X.X]/bin:$PATH" in the end of the file and save it. Finally, you need to close and restart the terminal application. Now you can call the three applications from all locations.

Have fun with the first release of MeloSpySuite!